Category: Faith and Midlife Crisis

Many people get to a point in their life where they are compelled to address the meaning of their existence. This often occurs in the middle of life (hence faith and midlife crisis as a category). It takes time to get to the realization that the promises of the world (money, sex, and power) are hollow and unfulfilling.


Not all answers to the foundational questions of life will satisfy the longing for significance at the heart of life’s search for meaning. There is a lingering sense that there must be something more. Jesus provides the answer. This is why faith and midlife crisis will be an ongoing theme of our articles and book reviews.  Many will take a self-help or therapeutic approach. This too will not work. It is ultimately through intentional submission to Jesus as king that leads to a meaningful life.

  • On Getting Out of Bed by Alan Noble – Book Review

    In “On Getting Out of Bed,” Noble delves into the complexities of mental suffering. He asserts that the core question of existence lies in affirming the value of life, rooted in our identity as creations of God. Offering insights on living with mental health conditions, Noble emphasizes acceptance, navigating uncertainty, and seeking help. Ultimately, he… Read more

  • From Strength to Strength by Arthur C. Brooks

    “From Strength to Strength” is a self-help book targeting professionals facing midlife crises. Brooks proposes a shift from a career’s first curve (fluid intelligence) to the second (crystallized intelligence), emphasizing wisdom over innovation. Key takeaways include reordering desires and prioritizing relationships. The main critique is a lack of a spiritual foundation and excessive anecdotal content.… Read more