Author: David

  • What If Jesus Was Serious About Heaven? by Skye Jethani

    Dive into “What If Jesus Was Serious About Heaven?” where Skye Jethani offers a visual, concise journey through 41 chapters exploring God’s Kingdom here and now. With each chapter illustrated and only 2-3 pages long, Jethani challenges us to shift from a Heaven-centric to a Christ-centric faith. This isn’t just theology; it’s a vibrant call… Read more

  • Hell: The Surprising Truth About What the Bible Really Says

    What does the Bible actually say about Hell? The Bible is often overshadowed by cultural interpretations. Dispelling misconceptions, this article explores the top Biblical references of Hell. Unlike conventional views, it challenges eternal conscious torment with compelling arguments for terminal punishment—where the unrighteous cease to exist after paying the penalty for their sins. By reconciling… Read more

  • Desiring God’s Will by David G. Benner

    Discover how to align your will with God’s in “Desiring God’s Will.” Benner delves into the essence of surrender and identity in Christ, emphasizing that true discipleship transcends mere determination—it requires a heart transformed by love. Explore the pitfalls of willfulness versus the freedom of willingness, where spiritual disciplines are not ends but means to… Read more

  • Dallas Willard: Insight #8 – Character and Eternity

    In the pursuit of meaning, Dallas Willard urges us to focus not on fleeting pursuits like wealth or popularity, but on our character. Spiritual transformation shapes us into individuals marked by love, joy, and selflessness At the end of our life, all we have is who we have become. Read more

  • Testimony: Inside the Evangelical Movement that Failed a Generation by Jon Ward

    Testimony by Jon Ward is a personal story that takes readers inside the evangelical movement that failed a generation. Ward provides a perspective as someone who spans both the world of evangelicalism and the world of politics. He grew up in the evangelical church and became a journalist, covering the Bush, Obama, and Trump presidencies.… Read more

  • The Great Dechurching by Davis and Graham – Book Review

    The Great Dechurching by Davis and Graham uses machine learning algorithms to explore who is leaving the church, why they are leaving, and what it would take to bring them back. While dechurching is accelerating within evangelicalism, there is still reason to hope. Read more

  • Dallas Willard: Insight #7 – Grace, Effort, and Earning

    In exploring belief and action, Dallas Willard emphasizes that grace isn’t against effort but against earning. Grace, a free gift, contrasts with earning, which is an attitude. Our effort, seen through actions choosing to follow Jesus and practicing spiritual disciplines, helps us align our lives with the Kingdom of God. Read more

  • Dallas Willard: Insight #6 – What Is Belief?

    In evangelical church culture, being a Believer is often synonymous with being a Christian. But understanding belief, as used in the Bible, is crucial. Belief isn’t just intellectual assent or a ticket to Heaven; it’s a personal choice shaping our actions. Dallas Willard defines belief as acting as if something is true, not just professing… Read more

  • The Gift of Being Yourself by David G. Benner


    “The Gift of Being Yourself” by Benner explores the intertwined journey of self-discovery and spirituality, emphasizing the essential connection between knowing God and knowing oneself. Divided into three parts, the book delves into transformational knowledge, understanding God, and understanding oneself. Benner highlights the significance of experiential, subjective knowledge over mere theoretical understanding, urging readers to… Read more

  • On Getting Out of Bed by Alan Noble – Book Review

    In “On Getting Out of Bed,” Noble delves into the complexities of mental suffering. He asserts that the core question of existence lies in affirming the value of life, rooted in our identity as creations of God. Offering insights on living with mental health conditions, Noble emphasizes acceptance, navigating uncertainty, and seeking help. Ultimately, he… Read more