Top 10 Books We are Looking Forward to Reading in 2024

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With the new year approaching we have an opportunity to make fresh aspirations. After health and fitness, reading is often near the top of the list. At Faithful Intellect, we are working to engage culture with faith and reason. You can look forward to our reviews on these top Christian books for 2024.


Surrender to Love by David G. Benner

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Surrender to Love is the first in Benner’s trilogy called The Spiritual Journey. Benner has a background in Psychology and applies his expertise to the area of spiritual transformation.

Psychology is an important but often overlooked aspect of spiritual formation. It provides insight into who we are, what we feel, and how we think. Only once we understand how God uniquely made us, can we truly push through the walls on the spiritual journey.

For Benner, Love and Surrender are the heart of Christian Spiritualty. The book also includes an experiential guide and reflection questions.

Top Christian Books Cover: Surrender to Love by David Benner

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The Ballot and the Bible by Kaitlyn Schiess

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With 2024 being a US presidential election year, Christians more than ever need to be thoughtful about the way candidates use the Bible and their faith to influence voters.

Schiess is a host on the Holy Post podcast and provides insightful commentary on the intersection of faith and culture. She now applies that expertise to politics by looking at the history of how the Bible has been used in American politics.

Christians can agree that the Bible is authoritative but can come to very different conclusions when it comes to politics. Schiess provides a helpful example for making the Bible the basis for political engagement.

Top Christian Books Cover: The Ballot and the Bible By Kaitlyn Schiess

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Testimony by Jon Ward

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Ward is a journalist who has covered American politics and culture for over twenty years. He provides a perspective from someone with experience both inside and outside the evangelical movement.

Ward makes the claim that the evangelical movement has failed a generation. Evangelical faith has become entwined with politics that has created a shift in values and priorities.

Ward calls Christians to embrace truth, complexity, and nuance. These align well with our approach here at Faithful Intellect.

Book Cover: Testimony by Jon Ward

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Christian Nationalism by Stephen Wolfe

Christian Nationalism has recently emerged as a stronger voice within evangelicalism. Wolfe claims that this is the form of government we must pursue if we want to love our neighbors and our country.

Where does Christian Nationalism provide a helpful corrective to the rise of secularism and where does it slide into political idolatry?

Top Christian Books Cover: Christian Nationalism By Stephen Wolfe

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The Rise and Fall of Dispensationalism by Daniel Hummel

Dispensationalism was a foundational theological framework for many evangelicals that impacted everything from global politics (Israel and Palestine) to movies and books (Left Behind).

Hummel provides a history of the ideas and culture of dispensationalism and the large impact it had on evangelicalism despite its relatively recent inception in the nineteenth century.

The Holy Post interview with Hummel was one of the top five most listened to Holy Posts episodes of 2023.

Top Christian Books Cover: The Rise and Fall of Dispensationalism by Daniel Hummel

Buy Now: The Rise and Fall of Dispensationalism by Daniel Hummel (


Biblical Critical Theory by Christopher Watkin

Critical Theory is a philosophical and sociological school of thought that came out of The Frankfurt School in the 1920s. It focuses on the way oppression underlies many aspects of society.

Critical Theory has impacted many hot topics today like race, class, and gender. The Bible has a lot to say on these same cultural topics. What aspects of Critical Theory are compatible with the Bible, what aspects must be rejected, and where can Christians reasonably disagree?

While this book isn’t likely to be one of the top Christian books for 2024 due to its length and depth, it still makes our list.

Book Cover: Biblical Critical Theory by Christopher Watkin

Buy Now: Biblical Critical Theory by Christopher Watkin (


Dominion by Tom Holland

The rise of secularism has pushed Christianity more to the margins of much of western society, but the legacy of the underlying Christian assumptions remains strong. Holland describes how the Christian revolution remade the world.

The morals and ethics of western society are still deeply rooted in Christianity. What are the implications of this for Christians today?

Top Christian Books Cover: Dominion by Tom Holland

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The Great Dechurching by Jim Davis and Michael Graham

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Davis and Graham provide insights found from the largest and most comprehensive study of dechurching in America by Dr. Ryan Burge and Dr. Paul Djupe.

They look at date about beliefs, behavior, and belonging along with demographics, size, concerns, and the historical roots.

In addition to analyzing the situation, the authors also provide ideas of what can be done to both prevent people from leaving, but also bring people back to the church.

Top Christian Books Cover: The Great Dechurching by Jim Davis and Michael Graham

Buy Now: The Great Dechurching by Jim Davis and Michael Graham (


The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory by Tim Alberta

As a New York Times bestseller, this is going to be one of the top Christian books for 2024. Alberta provides a perspective on American Evangelicalism for both insiders and outsiders. Alberta is a journalist who describes the movement based on interviews from a wide variety of perspectives.

While Alberta is clearly calling out the political idolatry of some evangelicals, does he accurately and fairly capture the complexity and nuance? How pervasive is this extremism and is it enough to fairly characterize evangelical ism as a whole?

Top Christian Books Cover: The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory by Tim Alberta

Buy Now: The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory by Tim Alberta (


The Deeply Formed Life by Rich Villodas

Spiritual formation is a foundational principle at Faithful Intellect. While the basics of spiritual formation are simple, they are not easy. Villodas provides a valuable perspective on developing a life more like Jesus’.

The book outlines 5 core values.

Contemplative Rhythms
Racial Justice
Interior Examination
Sexual Wholeness
Missional Presence

Book Cover: The Deeply Formed Life by Rich Villodas

Buy Now: The Deeply Formed Life (


At Faithful Intellect, we are working to engage culture with faith and reason. One of the main ways we accomplish this is through thoughtful book reviews. You can look forward to reading reviews on these top Christian books for 2024.

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One response to “Top 10 Books We are Looking Forward to Reading in 2024”

  1. Bosun Avatar

    Definitely interested in the history of Dispensationalism. I grew up spiritually during some of that time and it would be great to have more context around what was going on in the larger picture.