Faithful Intellect

Engaging Culture with Faith and Reason

  • Dallas Willard: Insight #4 – What are Spiritual Disciplines For?

    Dallas Willard defines spiritual disciplines as activities of mind and body purposefully undertaken, to bring our personality and total being unto effective cooperation with the divine order. They enable us more and more to live in a power that is, strictly speaking, beyond us, deriving from the spiritual realm itself. This approach offers a compelling…


  • Dallas Willard: Insight #3 – Jesus Is the Greatest Genius

    Dallas Willard claimed that Jesus was the greatest genius who ever lived. While common perceptions of Jesus often focus on love and sacrifice, Willard contends that Jesus’ brilliance extends beyond moral teachings. We should view Jesus not only as a moral authority but as a genius in all aspects of life. Recognizing Jesus’ genius can…


  • Dallas Willard: Insight #2 – What is a human being?

    Dallas Willard’s second spiritual formation insight is about human identity and death. Willard defines humans as unceasing spiritual beings with an eternal destiny in God’s great universe. He emphasizes the security and hope we have in God and the eternal nature of humanity. Willard views death as a transition, not an end. Believers will experience…


  • Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer

    “Practicing the Way” is the new release from John Mark Comer. The book delves into the transformative journey of discipleship. This insightful book centers around three goals: being with Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and doing what Jesus did. With advice on establishing a Rule of Life, Comer guides readers through practices such as sabbath, prayer,…


  • Surrender to Love by David G. Benner

    “Surrender to Love” by David G. Benner explores love, surrender, fear, and transformation in Christian spirituality. The book emphasizes experiencing God’s unconditional love through vulnerability. Critiques of the book include an underemphasis on the role of the cross and atonement, as well as a need for clarity on the Holy Spirit’s role. Written from a…


  • Women and the Gender of God by Amy Peeler

    “Women and the Gender of God” by Amy Peeler delves into theological discussions on God’s gender, disputing the notion of God the Father as inherently masculine. The book explores Mary’s role, asserting her agency in the virgin birth and challenging traditional views on gender roles. Peeler emphasizes that language about God, particularly the Father analogy,…


  • What Did Dallas Willard Believe About Reality and the Good Life?

    Dallas Willard’s Four Great Questions of Life delve into the essence of reality, the good life, ethics, and personal transformation. Challenging prevailing narratives, he emphasizes the significance of God’s Kingdom, a life in alignment with God, and the pursuit of agape love to become a truly good person.


  • The Gospel – Heaven: Redefining Our Perspective of Paradise

    This article is the second part of a series exploring the gospel of Jesus Christ. It defines the intermediate state before the final resurrection. Popular misconceptions about Heaven are corrected with biblical truths. The concept of Heaven as Paradise is redefined as the realm where God’s will is done and God is King.


  • From Strength to Strength by Arthur C. Brooks

    “From Strength to Strength” is a self-help book targeting professionals facing midlife crises. Brooks proposes a shift from a career’s first curve (fluid intelligence) to the second (crystallized intelligence), emphasizing wisdom over innovation. Key takeaways include reordering desires and prioritizing relationships. The main critique is a lack of a spiritual foundation and excessive anecdotal content.…


  • The Good and Beautiful You by James Bryan Smith

    “The Good and Beautiful You” is the fourth book in James Bryan Smith’s Good and Beautiful series. It focuses on correcting false narratives about the self. It includes Soul Training exercises and small group discussion guides. The book emphasizes understanding one’s nature as created by God and the finality of the cross in experiencing the…