Dallas Willard: Insight #2 – What is a human being?

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Spiritual Formation Insights from Dallas Willard

This article is the third in a series looking at the top insights from the life and work of Dallas Willard. The first article was an introduction (Dallas Willard – Spiritual Formation Insights That Will Propel Your Growth). The second was about the four great questions of life (What did Dallas Willard Believe About Reality and the Good Life). We will continue to explore additional insights in future articles. In this article, we look at the second insight – What did Dallas Willard believe about human identity and death?

The cross of Jesus gives us hope as human beings.

Insight #2 – What is a human being?

There are many ways to think about identity. We all have various identities that we hold in the different aspects of our lives. Some of these identities are more foundational than others. Once we understand our most foundational identity, we will be able to build the rest of our identity on something real and solid.

Here is how Dallas Willard defined what a human being is:

We are unceasing spiritual beings with an eternal destiny in God’s great Universe.

Dallas Willard

Let’s take a look at each of these phrases. God has created humans to live in the Universe he created. In Genesis, God called the aspects of creation that lead to human flourishing “good”. The Universe is ultimately a safe place for humans. It may not always feel that way, but nothing can truly threaten us when we belong to God. We are safe and secure in him.

Secondly, we are spiritual beings. Willard talks a lot about how we are embodied and the importance of the body in spiritual formation. But we are not just bodies. We are also spiritual beings. As spiritual beings, we have a soul, sprit, and will. These aspects of our humanity are not reducible to physical components. Part of our ability and desire to relate to our creator God (who is a spiritual being) is that we are also spiritual beings made in his image.


The last aspect to consider is that we are unceasing beings with an eternal destiny. Eternity is a difficult concept for our finite minds to comprehend. While we will never fully grasp this now, there are several insights we can gain from this perspective.

Firstly, our current lifetime feels significant in our present moment, but it is nothing compared to our future eternity with God. This brings things back into proper perspective. What seems insurmountable now, will be a mere blip in our past. We have a real and robust hope based on the promised fulfillment of God’s Kingdom for eternity.

Secondly, we are eternal beings with eternal worth and value. Everyone you meet is also an unceasing being with the same dignity and value as everyone else. We are all created in the image of God. This can spur us on to share the good news of eternal life in God’s Kingdom with those around us. The short-term awkwardness that often comes with evangelism is nothing compared to the long-term benefit of other people gaining an eternity with God.

What is Death for Human Beings?

If we are unceasing beings, then how should we think about death? The world sees death as an ending, something to be feared. Death is more of a change or transition than an end. Jesus says his followers will not experience death.

Very truly I tell you, whoever obeys my word will never see death.

John 8:51 – NIV

We will not cease to exist when we die. We do not need to fear death as the world does. Willard says that those people who are most caught up with the life of God, at the moment of transition, may not even immediately realize that they are dead. They will experience God, not death.

What does our eternal destiny look like? Those who choose not to follow Jesus will have an eternal destiny separated from God. Christ followers will reign with God. Humanity will finally be able to fulfill the vision in Genesis. We will rule creation with God according to his perfect plan.


Humans are unceasing spiritual beings with an eternal destiny in God’s great Universe. This brings us both peace now and hope for the future.

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3 responses to “Dallas Willard: Insight #2 – What is a human being?”

  1. […] #2 Identity – What Is a Human Being? (Read More) […]

  2. […] The third article was about identity and death (Dallas Willard: Insight #2 – What is a human being?). […]

  3. […] The third article was about identity and death (Dallas Willard: Insight #2 – What is a human being?). […]